
Dispensary Inventory Calculator

Compare your store against benchmarks made from analyzing millions of transactions and inventories.
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About the data

Here are the 2023 benchmarks for dispensary inventory.

SKU count

Minimum SKU count is 350. Maximum SKU count is 750.

SKU stock days

26% of SKUs have over 14 days of stock. 8% have over 30 day of stock. 10% of SKUs are decliding week-over-week.

Stock retail value

Average retail value per SKU is $632. SKUs with over 14 days stock make up 49% of total retail value. SKUs with over 30 days of stock make up 20%. Total retail value of sales declines 12% on average week over week.

Brands & discounts

53% of cannabis drinks and edibles SKUs are over-discounted. 50% of extract SKUs are over-discounted. 57% of flower SKUs are over-discounted. 61% of pre-roll SKUs are over-discounted. 50% of vapes and cartridges are over-discounted. Avg. discount correction for cannabis drinks and edibles is 5%; 5% for extracts; 5% for flower; 4% for pre-roll; 4% for vapes and cartridges.

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