Proven Cannabis Promotions To Drive Revenue On Green Wednesday, Thanksgiving, and Black Friday

Some of the biggest cannabis sales days are approaching, are you ready to maximize your revenue during these 3 upcoming events?

What events are we talking about?

Green Wednesday, Thanksgiving, and Black Friday. The 1-2-3 holiday punch that, when combined, generates as many or more sales than typical cannabis “holidays” like 420 or 710. Green Wednesday and Black Friday were the third and fourth biggest sales days in the US in 2022, according to Headset.

At Happy Cabbage, our focus is always on maximizing sell-through for cannabis retailers and brands. We’ve put together some tips for you based on the most successful cannabis holiday promotions launched by retailers using Happy Marketers.

What marketing promotions work best for Green Wednesday, Thanksgiving and Black Friday?

Firstly, get started early and aim for Green Wednesday. Of the three days, it grosses the highest sales, increasing by 48% over a typical Wednesday’s sales.

Thanksgiving is not a popular sales day, as most people are either with family or working. However, you still can capture sales on this day if you are really clever about it. Also, some stores aren’t even open on this day, so if you are, take advantage of it!

Black Friday is busy as most Fridays are, but ever so slightly busier post-Thanksgiving.

Last thing to really keep in mind, and this one is important: people are coming back to town for the holiday and wanting to stock up on product before “dealing” with their family. That means you need to keep two strategies in mind:

  1. Recapturing customers - those people coming back into town aren’t your regulars, but they are looking to shop. Use SMS and email to most effectively recapture them and bring them in-store
  2. Focus on non-inhalable products like edibles, beverages, and topicals to promote - these shoppers aren’t trying to chief a joint around their family, but popping in a few gummies before heading into the dining room is the move

Let’s get into the specific successful promotions:

Green Wednesday

Thanksgiving Thursday

Black Friday

How much to offer when it comes to discounts

What level of discounts should you offer? Headset found that Green Wednesday sees an average discount of 19.8%, Thanksgiving Day was slightly higher at 22.2%, and Black Friday with 23.7%. However, we encourage you to really consider discounts per category and per basket to ensure you maximize your profits.

We recently wrote about the most effective discounts to drive demand, and illustrate the point in which that demand no longer increases despite deeper discounting. Read more here.

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