Jessica Jansasoy

Blog Posts

How to Improve Dispensary Text Message Conversion Rates

Get insights on how to improve your dispensary text message conversion rate. Plus tips, factors, and benchmark data will help you craft SMS for 2023.

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How Dispensary POS Are Different to 3rd-Party Analytics Tools

Learn the differences between a dispensary POS system and 3rd-party analytic tools. Do you need both or can you use just one? Click here and find out.

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3 Mistakes When Evaluating SKUs at Your Cannabis Dispensary

Operators have admitted to using questionable tactics to purchase SKUs at cannabis dispensaries. Learn three mistakes you should avoid when evaluating your SKUs

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How Over-Discounting Affects Your Dispensary Profits in 2023

Over-discounting is an industry problem that affects your profit margin, ordering behaviors, and brand relationships. Learn tips to fix these major problems.

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3 Tactics to Reduce Slow-Moving SKUs at Your Dispensary

Prevent and clear out slow-moving inventory at your dispensary by trying new SKUs for a month, evaluating slow-supply products, and running discount campaigns.

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3 Reasons Why Slow-Moving SKUs Make Your Dispensary Less Efficient & Profitable

Slow-moving SKUs restrict your cash flow, push you to offer discounts, and have a residual effect on the customer experience.

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How to Use Segmentation to Boost Loyalty at Your Dispensary

Customer segmentation is a great way to boost your customer loyalty with custom content. Here are some key strategies to segment customers at your dispensary.

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Why Last-Touch Attribution is Key for Small Dispensaries

Have a limited budget but don’t know what marketing channel should you use? Learn how last-touch attribution can help your cannabis dispensary drive revenue

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